The Resource Library includes fact sheets, promising practices, tools, templates, and training materials developed by subject-matter experts with direct experience working with survivors. Resource topics address current trends and challenges in the field.
Search Results 169 matching results for "Sex Trafficking"
Voluntary Services FAQ
This FAQ addresses frequently asked questions from anti-trafficking housing providers regarding implementing a voluntary services model in shelter and housing programs.
Levels: Intermediate
Material Types: Fact Sheets Promising Practices
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Housing
Demographics: Adults Foreign National LGBTQIA+ Men and Boys US Citizen/Legal Permanent Resident Youth
Serving Human Trafficking Survivors with Disabilities in Housing
The webinar will delve into disability justice for survivors of human trafficking and explore how housing programs can assist survivors with disabilities in navigating housing systems, including partnering with local agencies supporting those with disabilities to provide wrap-around support.
Levels: Intermediate
Material Types: Webinars & Videos
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Housing
Demographics: Adults Foreign National LGBTQIA+ Men and Boys US Citizen/Legal Permanent Resident Youth
Screening Guidelines for Housing Programs
This document provides anti-trafficking service providers with tips on best practices for screening trafficking survivors for housing programs. This resource includes information about screening in, eligibility criteria, and warm referrals when working with housing survivors of trafficking.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Promising Practices Tools
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Housing Promising Practices
Housing Intake Template
This template provides a fillable questionnaire to assist anti-trafficking service providers with completing a housing intake with a survivor. This resource includes questions about survivor health and wellbeing, safety, and housing needs.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Promising Practices Tools
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Housing Promising Practices
Intake Guidelines for Anti-Trafficking Housing Programs
This intake guide gives anti-trafficking service providers information on how to best conduct a survivor intake into a housing program. This resource includes recommendations on questions to ask at intake, ways to conduct a successful intake.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Promising Practices Tools
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Housing Promising Practices
Housing Older Survivors of Human Trafficking
During this webinar attendees learned the following:
- The intersection and importance of serving older human trafficking survivors in need of housing.
- Unique needs and challenges faced by older and aging survivors and ways providers may accommodate these needs.
- Best practices and standards of care when working with older survivors.
Levels: Intermediate
Material Types: Webinars & Videos
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Housing
Demographics: Adults
Working with Landlords While Maintaining Survivor Confidentiality
During this webinar, attendees learned the following:
- The importance of survivor confidentiality while accessing housing options.
- Examples of ways housing programs and landlords can work together to provide services and advocacy to survivors.
- Ideas for outreach planning to build a diverse landlord network.
Levels: Intermediate
Material Types: Webinars & Videos
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Housing
Demographics: Adults
Economic Advocacy in Housing Programs
In this webinar, participants learned how economic empowerment supports survivors' individual strengths and goal planning. Presenters provided practical and creative ways to offer a spectrum of voluntary economic advocacy case management services beyond budgeting classes.
Levels: Intermediate
Material Types: Webinars & Videos
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Economic Advocacy
Demographics: Adults
Building Trauma-informed Practices for Anti-Trafficking Housing Programs
This toolkit aims to provide a framework that anti-human trafficking providers offering housing services can utilize to build trauma-informed, person-centered, and voluntary housing programs for trafficking survivors.
Levels: Intermediate
Material Types: Fact Sheets Tools
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Housing Promising Practices Trauma Informed
Demographics: Adults
Housing Training & Technical Assistance Project Flyer
FNUSA's Housing Training and Technical Assistance Project provide ongoing training & technical assistance to support service providers in learning about housing options and best practices for serving survivors of human trafficking. FNUSA provides policy and procedures support to OVC-funded housing projects, hosts live webinars, and produces resources on topics related to the intersection of housing and human trafficking. The Housing Training & Technical Assistance team strives to prioritize racial equity across all resources and materials.