The Resource Library includes fact sheets, promising practices, tools, templates, and training materials developed by subject-matter experts with direct experience working with survivors. Resource topics address current trends and challenges in the field.
Search Results 169 matching results for "Sex Trafficking"
Administration for Children & Families (ACF) Eligibility Letter for Minor Foreign National Survivors
Survivor Reentry Project’s sample exhibit for criminal record relief: ACF's eligibility letter for minor foreign national survivors.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Tools
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Criminal Record Relief Legal Services
Demographics: Youth
Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) Certification Letter for Adult Foreign National Survivors
Survivor Reentry Project's sample exhibit for criminal record relief: Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) Certification Letter for Adult Foreign National Survivors
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Tools
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Criminal Record Relief Legal Services
Demographics: Adults
CAST’s Reporting Trafficking to Law Enforcement for T Visa Purposes Advisory
Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking's guide to reporting trafficking to law enforcement for T visa purposes.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Tools
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Immigration Legal Services
CAST’s Physical Presence Advisory (April 2018)
Physical Presence on Account of Trafficking Advisory breaks down the physical presence eligibility requirement and provides successful strategies in approaching this requirement. Created by Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking.
Levels: Intermediate
Material Types: Tools
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Immigration Legal Services
Utilizing Flexible Funding to House Survivors of Trafficking
This webinar provides participants with an overview of the flexible funding model and how it can be utilized to rapidly house survivors of human trafficking. Presenters shared lessons learned and pratical tips for utilizing flexible funding.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Webinars & Videos
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Housing Program Management
CAST T Visa Application Checklist (May 2017)
A checklist of important forms, documents, and materails for T Visa applications. Checklist created by the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Tools
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Immigration Legal Services
Demographics: Foreign National
Peer Support Call: Housing Youth Survivors of Trafficking During COVID-19
The FNTI Housing Project hosted a peer support call with service providers to discuss the challenges and strategies for meeting the housing needs of youth survivors during the spread of COVID-19.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Webinars & Videos
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Housing
Demographics: Youth
Human Trafficking Housing Options: Partnerships with Landlords
Landlords are essential resources in bridging the housing gap for survivors of trafficking. This fact sheet dives into various aspects of building and maintaining relationships with landlords to house survivors of trafficking.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Fact Sheets
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Housing
Best Practices for Working with Survivors of Trafficking in Vacatur Cases
This Survivor Reentry Project webinar unpacks what trauma is on various levels and how to recognize common trauma reactions in clients who have survived human trafficking. The purpose of this webinar is to give participants the skills on how to best work with and support survivors of trafficking in post-conviction cases.
Levels: Intermediate Introductory
Material Types: Webinars & Videos
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Awareness Criminal Record Relief Legal Services
Impact of Arrest & Conviction Records
This Survivor Reentry Project webinar identifies the collateral consequences that flow from an arrest, and how they impact people involved in the criminal justice system. Participants will learn what constitutes a criminal record, how to access a criminal record, and how a criminal record impacts legal representation on behalf of human trafficking survivors.