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Melinda Smith |
Freedom Network USA Supports Visa Transparency Legislation To Combat Human Trafficking
Each year, a half a million low-wage guest workers enter the U.S. on a myriad of temporary work visas. Many of these guest workers are at the mercy of a single employer for both their job and their legal status…
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Melinda Smith |
At Risk Youth: The Importance of Accessible Housing
Homeless youth are at increased risk of being victims of human trafficking. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and Loyola University, in collaboration with Covenant House, completed the most comprehensive study to investigate the linkage. The report, released this year, found that…
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Melinda Smith |
Fighting the Assault on Immigrant Children
The anti-immigrant rhetoric that has dominated the national narrative over the past year has not just created negative consequence for adults, but also in policies with devastating consequences for children. Freedom Network USA (FNUSA) has addressed several attempts over the…
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Melinda Smith |
Reproductive Rights and Human Trafficking
Freedom Network USA continues to vehemently oppose both legislation and policies that undermine a survivor’s ability to access the full range of reproductive health care. Last week, we joined our allies to submit comments to the Department of Health and…
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Freedom Network Community |
Barriers to Housing
Imagine you are trying to move out of temporary housing and into an apartment of your own with your two children. You submitted 15 applications to various listings, and all have denied you. You have a stable job, an excellent…
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Freedom Network Community |
Increased Obstacles to Find Employment
Imagine you are in desperate need of a job to continue paying your bills. You have interviewed for over 20 promising jobs, but you can’t pass the background check because you have a felony drug conviction. This conviction is the…
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Melinda Smith |
Standing Tall: A Vision of Freedom in Times of Change
Across the country people are living in fear. Immigrants are afraid to come forward to report crimes committed against them. They are afraid to cooperate with law enforcement, which only decreases the likelihood that their traffickers will be brought to…
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Freedom Network Community |
Restricted from Participating in the Community
Imagine that it is the annual zoo field trip at your son’s elementary school. You are very excited to chaperone your first event and spend extra time with your son. You reach out to the school to sign up to…
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Melinda Smith |
FNUSA Welcomes Maria M. Odom to Board
Freedom Network USA is thrilled to welcome Maria Odom to its board. The entire FNUSA community is grateful for her service and looks forward to her contributions. Maria M. Odom recently served as the DHS Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman…
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Melinda Smith |
FNUSA Receives Grant to Increase Access to Housing for Human Trafficking Survivors
Freedom Network USA has been awarded $849,980 to improve access to housing for trafficking survivors. The three-year grant will support the Freedom Network Training Institute Housing Training and Technical Assistance Project. The Freedom Network Training Institute (FNTI), the training arm…
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Melinda Smith |
FNUSA Submits Feedback to Protect Trafficked Children
FNUSA submitted comments today in response to a request for feedback from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Trafficking in Persons (OTIP). The agency is attempting to revise the form that must be submitted for children who…
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Melinda Smith |
Important Survey on Human Trafficking and the Administration’s Policies
As the current administration reshapes the government budget and immigration enforcement policy in this country, we are interested to understand the impact of these efforts on human trafficking survivors in your communities. As front line advocates and direct service providers,…
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Jean Bruggeman |
Standing on the Side of Justice
It is important for all people and organizations to speak out about what they believe. We must state clearly and without hesitation, that Freedom Network USA stands opposed to racism. We stand opposed to all forms of hatred and oppression.…
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Melinda Smith |
Reauthorize, Don’t Gut, the TVPA
The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) established the US as a world leader in the fight against human trafficking, using a comprehensive approach that includes prosecution, protection, and prevention. This framework strives to ensure that survivors are identified…
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Jean Bruggeman |
CARE Act a Key Step in Preventing Child Labor Trafficking
On the World Day Against Child Labor, countries across the globe stand up for the rights and well-being of young people. While the United States has taken steps to protect the health and safety of young people working in a…
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Melinda Smith |
UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking Releases Report on Combating Trafficking US
Today, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Trafficking Maria Grazia Giammarinaro is presenting her final country report of recommendations for the US government on how to combat trafficking in persons. These recommendations centralize the knowledge gathered from experts around…
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Melinda Smith |
Freedom Network USA Supports the Reauthorization of the TVPA
Yesterday, S. 1311, the Abolish Human Trafficking Act of 2017, was introduced in the Senate by original co-sponsors Cornyn, Klobuchar, Grassley, Feinstein, Corker, Brown, Heller, Wyden, Rubio, Coons and Hatch. Today, Senators Grassley, Feinstein, Cornyn, Klobuchar, Corker and…
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Melinda Smith |
FNUSA Congressional Briefing Addresses Prevention and Services for Survivors
Freedom Network USA (FNUSA) hosted its first congressional briefing on Tuesday April 3rd in Washington, DC. The briefing, sponsored by Representative Don Beyer of Virginia, focused on a comprehensive approach to addressing human trafficking in the United States. FNUSA Executive Director,…
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Melinda Smith |
FNUSA Hosts House Briefing on Preventing Human Trafficking and Supporting Survivors
BRIEFING: Preventing Human Trafficking and Supporting Survivors Tuesday, April 4 12:00- 1:00 pm Cannon House Office Building Room 421 Human trafficking is fueled by root causes including poverty, discrimination, weak worker protections and restrictive immigration policies. Effective prevention efforts must…
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Melinda Smith |
FNUSA Talks Human Trafficking and Immigration Enforcement during Congressional Briefing
Several organizations who support immigrant survivors of violence organized a congressional briefing with bi-partisan support last Friday. Freedom Network USA Executive Director, Jean Bruggeman, was joined by representatives from National Network to End Domestic Violence, President of the Major City Chiefs…