The Resource Library includes fact sheets, promising practices, tools, templates, and training materials developed by subject-matter experts with direct experience working with survivors. Resource topics address current trends and challenges in the field.
Search Results 20 matching results for "Reports"
Standards of Care for the U.S. Anti-Trafficking Field
This white paper explores establishing Standards of Care for the anti-trafficking field in the United States. The author discusses the need to establish basic guidelines to ensure consistent service provision regardless of the geographic area in which services are accessed.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Promising Practices Reports
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Case Management Promising Practices Referral Safety Planning Standards of Care Trauma Informed
Trafficking in Persons Report 2019
The Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report is the U.S. Government’s principal diplomatic tool to engage foreign governments on human trafficking. It is also the world’s most comprehensive resource of governmental anti-trafficking efforts and reflects the U.S. Government’s commitment to global leadership on this key human rights and law enforcement issue.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Reports
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Promising Practices
Practice Update: Issuance of Notices to Appear (NTAs) in Denied Humanitarian-based Immigration Cases
In May and June of 2019, practitioners reported that USCIS issued a number of NTAs in connection with denied U and T visa applications. This practice update addresses some of the actions practitioners can take in individual cases as well as to support policy level advocacy efforts.
Levels: Intermediate
Material Types: Promising Practices Reports Tools
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Legal Services Policy Promising Practices
Practice Implications for Commercially Sex Trafficked Youth
Report published by Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking, evaluates a youth program through the evaluation of the demographic characteristics, services provided, an assessment of impact and provides recommendations for future program services.
Levels: Intermediate
Material Types: Promising Practices Reports
Types of Trafficking: Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Case Management Data Promising Practices
Demographics: Youth
Human Trafficking Survivor Leadership in the United States
This white paper explores human trafficking survivor leadership development in the United States. The author discusses existing programs, identifies gaps, and makes recommendations to improve access and impact for survivor leaders.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Reports
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Survivor Leadership
Services Available to Victims of Human Trafficking
Created by the Office of Trafficking in Person (OTIP), this resource guide provides information about assistance available to victims of human trafficking in the United States. It describes community and State-funded resources, including food, shelter, clothing, medical care, legal assistance, and job training.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Reports
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Case Management Program Management
FY 2017 Attorney General’s Annual Report U.S. Government
The Department of Health and Human Services contributes to the Department of Justice Attorney General’s Annual Reports to Congress and Assessment of U.S. Government Activities to Combat Trafficking in Persons. This report provides recommendations to federal agencies and updates on information from each agency on anti-trafficking efforts.
Levels: Intermediate
Material Types: Reports
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Awareness
Federal Human Trafficking Strategic Plan
The 2013-2017 Strategic Plan lays out goals, objectives, and contains more than 250 associated action items for victim service improvements that can be achieved over 5 years.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Reports
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Trafficking in Persons Report 2018
The Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report is the U.S. Government’s principal diplomatic tool to engage foreign governments on human trafficking. It is also the world’s most comprehensive resource of governmental anti-trafficking efforts and reflects the U.S. Government’s commitment to global leadership on this key human rights and law enforcement issue.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Promising Practices Reports
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Promising Practices
United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking Annual Report 2017
The 2017 annual report developed by the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking. The U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking is comprised of eleven survivor leaders who bring their expertise and experience to advise and provide recommendations to the President’s Inter agency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (PITF) to improve federal anti-trafficking policies.