The Resource Library includes fact sheets, promising practices, tools, templates, and training materials developed by subject-matter experts with direct experience working with survivors. Resource topics address current trends and challenges in the field.
Search Results 81 matching results for "Housing"
Housing Assessment Form
Sample Housing Assessment form created by Heartland Human Care Services.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Tools
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Case Management Housing
Continuums of Care
A Continuum of Care (CoC) is designed to coordinate and promote a local response to homelessness, including shelters and housing programs. Anti-trafficking organizations can benefit from collaboration with CoCs through new housing options for survivors and an expanded referral network. This fact sheet provides an introduction of what a CoC is and how anti-trafficking organizations can collaborate with their local CoC.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Fact Sheets
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Housing
The Rights-Based Approach In Housing for Survivors of Human Trafficking
Safe and stable housing is a basic human right. Implementing a rights-based model in services for survivors of trafficking promotes a survivor-centered and trauma-informed approach. This fact sheet explains the right-based approach in housing, the practice and impact.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Fact Sheets
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Case Management Housing
FNTI Housing TTA Project Flyer
The FNTI Housing Project provides training and technical assistance on access to housing to service providers working with survivors of human trafficking.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Fact Sheets
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Awareness Housing
Working with Continuums of Care
A Continuum of Care (CoC) is designed to coordinate and promote a local response to homelessness, including shelters and housing programs. Anti-trafficking organizations can benefit from collaboration with CoCs through new housing options for survivors and an expanded referral network. This webinar explores opportunities available to survivors and anti-trafficking programs, discusses potential challenges, and identifies strategic solutions in developing relationships and advocating for housing needs of survivors.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Webinars & Videos
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Housing
Understanding Housing Needs and Opportunities for Survivors of Human Trafficking
This webinar discusses the importance of assessing the ongoing housing needs of survivors of human trafficking and provides a high level understanding of the current housing landscape for emergency, transitional, and long-term housing. Service providers will learn potential guidelines for including housing assessments in service provision.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Webinars & Videos
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Case Management Housing
Demographics: Adults
Rent Reasonableness and Fair Market Rent Under the CoC Program
Using Continuum of care (CoC) Program funds for rental assistance and leasing requires an understanding of and adherence to rent reasonableness standards to determine whether a specific
unit can be assisted. Recipients and sub recipients also need to understand the relationship between rent reasonableness and the Fair Market Rent (FMR). This resource provides an explanation
of both concepts and describes how to determine and document compliance with each for units in which program participants will reside.
Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Comparable Database Decision Tree
Created by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), this fact sheet provides an overview of the Homelessness Management Information System (HMIS) and the use of a comparable database.
Sexual Harassment Initiative Information Sheet
Fact sheet created by the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, provides information on the Department of Justice's Initiative to Combat Sexual Harassment in Housing.
Levels: Introductory
Material Types: Fact Sheets
Types of Trafficking: Labor Trafficking Sex Trafficking
Keywords: Housing
Sexual Harassment is Illegal Flyer
Flyer created by the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division to raise awareness about sexual harassment in housing. This flyer can be found in various languages on their website.