FNUSA Receives Grant to Increase Access to Housing for Human Trafficking Survivors

Melinda Smith |

OVC Drops Restriction on Criminal Record Relief Representation in FY2020 Grants

Earlier this month, the US Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) released their human trafficking program grant solicitations with a notable change. The office has dropped the funding restriction on criminal record relief representation for FY2020 grants.…

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Melinda Smith |

FNTI Housing Webinar Announced!

The Freedom Network Training Institute (FNTI) invites you to join a webinar on Understanding Housing Needs and Opportunities for Survivors of Human Trafficking. The webinar will focus on the importance of assessing the ongoing housing needs of survivors, as well…

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Jean Bruggeman |

Freedom Network USA Leads Broad-based Effort to Protect Legal Representation for Trafficking Survivors

Safety. Freedom. Dignity. Freedom Network USA is dedicated to ensuring that all workers have access to these basic human rights, and that when these rights are violated, survivors access the full-range of services they need to heal. But right now,…

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Melinda Smith |

Notice Clarifies Law Enforcement Use of Victim Assistance Funding

In a huge win for survivors of all forms of human trafficking, a notice went out last week to all law enforcement grantees receiving funding under the Enhanced Collaborative Model to Combat Human Trafficking program. The Office of Victims of…

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Melinda Smith |

FNUSA Receives Grant to Increase Access to Housing for Human Trafficking Survivors

Freedom Network USA has been awarded $849,980 to improve access to housing for trafficking survivors. The three-year grant will support the Freedom Network Training Institute Housing Training and Technical Assistance Project. The Freedom Network Training Institute (FNTI), the training arm…

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