Isiejah Allen |
Incorporating Economic Empowerment into Anti-Trafficking Housing Programs
Join FNUSA’s Housing TTA Project and FUTURES Without Violence’s Economic Empowerment Program in the formal debut of our recent resource collaboration: ‘Applying the Five Tiers of Economic Empowerment to Anti-Trafficking Housing Programs.’ Presenters will guide participants through applying the Five…
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Abigael Sogbesan |
Voluntary Services for Housing Providers – FNUSA Housing TTA Project
This webinar discusses the foundational concepts of voluntary services and how they can be applied to housing programs. The voluntary services model is a trauma-informed, survivor-centered approach based on the idea that participating in services should be voluntary and not…
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Abigael Sogbesan |
An Introduction to the Housing TTA Project: Grantee Orientation with FNUSA & OVC
This webinar was produced by Freedom Network USA under Grant Number 15POVC-23-GK-04059-HT, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this document are…
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Isiejah Allen |
Housing Navigators: An Innovative Strategy to Improve Housing Access for Trafficking Survivors
This webinar discussed the newly introduced Housing Navigator position in anti-trafficking housing programs, the skill sets needed within this position, organizational hiring and retention strategies, and how incorporating a Housing Navigator supports innovative strategies for Human Trafficking survivors seeking housing…
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Melinda Smith |
An Organizational Approach to Voluntary Services
This webinar delves deeper into the philosophies and principles of voluntary services and discusses how organizations can adopt and implement a voluntary services model organizationally. Attendees will learn from experts about the benefits and challenges of implementing a voluntary services…
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Melinda Smith |
Serving Human Trafficking Survivors with Disabilities in Housing
The webinar will delve into disability justice for survivors of human trafficking and explore how housing programs can assist survivors with disabilities in navigating housing systems, including partnering with local agencies supporting those with disabilities to provide wrap-around support.
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Freedom Network Community |
Voluntary Services for Housing Providers
This webinar aimed to discuss the concepts of voluntary services and how they can be applied to housing programs and review policies and procedures through a voluntary services lens. Breakout groups facilitated the discussion of several different scenarios to expound…
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Freedom Network Community |
Culturally Responsive Housing Programs
This webinar discussed the growing need for culturally responsive housing programs in the U.S. and provided key tools for examining and developing culturally responsive and inclusive housing programs for survivors of human trafficking.
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Freedom Network Community |
Housing Older Survivors of Human Trafficking
During this webinar attendees learned the following: The intersection and importance of serving older human trafficking survivors in need of housing. Unique needs and challenges faced by older and aging survivors and ways providers may accommodate these needs. Best practices…
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Freedom Network Community |
Working with Landlords While Maintaining Survivor Confidentiality
During this webinar, attendees learned the following: The importance of survivor confidentiality while accessing housing options. Examples of ways housing programs and landlords can work together to provide services and advocacy to survivors. Ideas for outreach planning to build a…
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Freedom Network Community |
Economic Advocacy in Housing Programs
In this webinar, participants learned how economic empowerment supports survivors’ individual strengths and goal planning. Presenters provided practical and creative ways to offer a spectrum of voluntary economic advocacy case management services beyond budgeting classes.
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Freedom Network Community |
Trauma-Informed Policies & Procedures for Housing Programs
This webinar provided an overview of best practices when creating trauma-informed policies and procedures for housing programs. Attendees learned how to incorporate a trauma-informed lens into their documentation, such as intake forms and screening tools.
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Freedom Network Community |
Non-Discrimination Practices in Housing Programs
This webinar provided an overview of how housing programs and service providers can successfully employ non-discrimination practices. The presenters shared best practices for how to uphold survivor rights in different types of housing (Ex: shelters, transitional housing, scattered-site housing, residential). Presenters also discussed the…
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Freedom Network Community |
Language Access in Housing Services
This webinar covered the process of creating and implementing a successful language access plan for organizations. Presenters discussed the importance of cultural humility when serving survivors who identify as limited English proficient and deaf or hard of hearing.
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Freedom Network Community |
Emergency Housing Vouchers and Immigration Status Requirements
This webinar was built upon information shared in our previous webinar on the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program. This webinar focused on the eligibility requirements for immigrant survivors of human trafficking, sexual assault, and domestic violence. The presenter also discussed how…
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Freedom Network Community |
Addressing the Intersection of Substance Use and Housing: Parents and Guardians
This webinar is part two of the Intersection of Substance Use and Housing training recorded on April 1, 2021. The webinar built on the previous training while focusing on serving survivors who identify as parents or guardians. The presenters discussed…
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Freedom Network Community |
Navigating the End of the Eviction Moratorium
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has extended the national eviction moratorium to July 30th, 2021. This call focused on the expiration of the eviction moratorium and how providers can navigate this change. Presenters covered ways that providers…
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Freedom Network Community |
Accessing Emergency Housing Vouchers
This webinar provided an overview of the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program. Presenters covered eligibility, requirements, and how anti-trafficking programs can partner with Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Continuums of Care (CoCs) to ensure that survivors of trafficking have access to these vouchers.
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Freedom Network Community |
Addressing the Intersection of Substance Use and Housing
The webinar provided attendees with an understanding of how substance use intersects with human trafficking and shared practical examples of best practices to house survivors who may be actively using.
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Melinda Smith |
The 6 C’s of Becoming an Advocate Video
This is video is an accompaniment to The 6 C’s of Becoming an Advocate toolkit; a collaborative project of The Survivor Alliance, International Institute of Buffalo and Freedom Network USA. The goal of this collaboration is to support human trafficking…