FNUSA’s Survivor Reentry Project (SRP) is a national clearinghouse and referral network for criminal record relief for survivors of human trafficking who have been arrested related to their victimization. SRP offers technical assistance, training, and a network of pro bono lawyers to represent survivors. In 2024, SRP will add a 9-12 person Survivor Advisory Group (SAG) to support the survivor-centered development and expansion of SRP. SAG Members will work with SRP staff to develop and update outreach and training materials and project policies and procedures, provide training to SRP partners and the public, and provide feedback to FNUSA. The SAG is funded by a 3-year federal grant, and further funding is expected. SAG members will engage in material and program development in 2024, and continue to provide feedback and revisions in 2025 and 2026. SAG members will be invited to join additional, optional training events throughout the grant period.