Join Us: Working Together Against Human Trafficking

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Sunday, July 30th is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, and this year’s theme is to leave no one behind. As people and organizations working to end human trafficking daily, this rings true for us. You may have recently seen or heard about the new movie Sound of Freedom, and want to know what you can do next to support survivors. The film has been controversial for good reason. Human trafficking is a complex experience and can look very different in each case. As the experts, we are stepping up to help you learn more about human trafficking and find the best ways to get involved. 

Join us on Instagram, on September 6th, to ask questions of the experts and get the information you need to make an impact! But you may be asking yourself, how can I help in the meantime?

Demand Constructive Congressional Action.

  • There aren’t many moments when a phone call can make a difference on Capitol Hill, but we’re in one now. The International Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2023 (S. 920) coordinates many U.S. government programs against human trafficking, ensures survivor experts are heard at the highest levels, and supports nonprofit organizations working on the frontlines around the world. It’s bipartisan and not controversial, but like all laws it needs a push to pass. Be the push. Make a call. Find your representatives by state/zip: Senate | House. While you’re at it, let Congress know that proposals to reduce funding for anti-trafficking programs in the 2024 budget will only make life easier for traffickers and harder for victims.

Help Prevent Human Trafficking.

  • Learn ways to keep your children/grandchildren safe online.
  • Encourage your local school system to offer training to students, educators, staff, and parents to prevent child trafficking.
  • Some communities are more at risk for human trafficking, including people with histories of poverty, family instability, physical and sexual abuse, and trauma, as well as racial and ethnic minority students. Volunteer opportunities that support these people in particular are an excellent way to support your local community and join the fight.

Find and Support Your Local Anti-Human Trafficking Program.

  • Programs that have been doing this work for a while are often underfunded. They have learned what works and what doesn’t and are best positioned to do this work. If you want to learn, they’re a great place to start – find out if they offer any educational programming or if you could help coordinate an event for them to teach. And if you want to help fight trafficking, ask what they need to better support survivors.

Want to Learn More?

National Survivor Network: Hollywood and Human Trafficking

Freedom Network USA: Child Labor Trafficking in the USA

Polaris Project: Human Trafficking 101 Training 

Love 146: Do More Guide

If you or someone you know is experiencing human trafficking, get help by calling the National Human Trafficking Hotline at (888) 373-7888.

In solidarity,

The Anti-Trafficking Community