After an exciting year of growth, Freedom Network USA is ushering in the new year by welcoming 15 new associate members. With a wide range of experience in the anti-trafficking movement, the group will help carry Freedom Network USA’s vision and momentum into 2017.
Growth in Numbers and Expertise
Freedom Network USA received an unprecedented number of membership applications in 2016. From these applicants, the new class brings a one-third increase to the existing member base, which now totals 52 members. New members represent a balanced blend of nine organizations and six individuals that further deepen and diversify the expertise of Freedom Network USA. Industries represented include employment law, legal and social service, trauma, academia and public health.
“We extend a warm welcome to all incoming associate members,” said Freedom Network USA Co-Chair Maja Hasic. “This group brings a plethora of expertise on serving survivors and the current state of the anti-trafficking movement. We are excited to delve into 2017 and expect it will be a year of learning and growth for all.”
New Application Process
Along with the organization’s steering committee, Hasic assisted in restructuring Freedom Network USA’s new member application program. In 2016, the organization introduced a streamlined process of accepting applications only from July to October, including a probationary period for new members. Applicants are selected by the steering committee in November, then begin their probationary year in January – debuting as associate members. The year-long phase allows associate members to reflect and decide if they want to commit to being a full-time member. It also gives the organization time to reflect on the partnership..
Freedom Network USA proudly welcomes its new associate members:
- LAF Chicago
- Lifeboat Project
- Legal Aid Society of NYC
- Asian Americans Advancing Justice
- International Institute of Minnesota
- University of Maryland SAFE Center
- YWCA Kalamazoo
- YWCA New Hampshire
- Legal Aid Society Employment Law Center
- Janie Chuang
- Tiffany Williams Goetzinger
- Hanni Stoklasa
- Susie Baldwin
- Elisabet Medina
- Lori Stella
For more information on Freedom Network USA’s membership, contact Also, follow Freedom Network USA on Twitter and Facebook for updates on the organization.