Freedom Network member organization CAST LA has shared five ways to get involved in the fight against human trafficking. These tips can be applied to CAST LA or any local FN member organization working on the front lines of ending human trafficking. To find a local FN member organization to support, click here.
1. Donate
CAST offers our services for free. So any amount you donate will help survivors of modern-day slavery rebuild their lives.
2. Volunteer
Whether you are a professional with expertise in working with trafficking victims, or you just want to be part of the solution, CAST wants to get you involved!
3. Organize
Grow the movement to end modern-day slavery! CAST can help you use your expertise to organize fund raising events, and start your own community or university anti-trafficking group.
4. Start a Chain Store Reaction
As a consumer, you have the power to support fair trade products. Send an email to your favorite brands demanding a guarantee that their products are slave free.
5. Report a Crime
If you suspect a case of human trafficking, don’t put yourself and others in danger by intervening on the spot. Please report the incident to professionals.
Image Credit: [Thomas Leuthard]